october, 2021
18oct7:00 pm8:30 pmFeaturedNew Campus Launch Team Meetingclick here

Event Details
Are you interested in helping us launch a new worship site? This fall, we’re going to begin offering additional worship services at the Studio. This worship site will have
Event Details
Are you interested in helping us launch a new worship site?
This fall, we’re going to begin offering additional worship services at the Studio. This worship site will have live teaching, live worship, and a parenting room.
Here’s the plan….
- We’ll gather a Launch Team this summer
- Offer a once-a-month “Preview Services”
- And begin weekly services in Advent
Sound intriguing? If so, join us for Launch Team Meetings on Thursday, August 19. Thursday, September 16, and Monday, October 18 at 7:00 pm at the Studio.
Our Preview Services will be held at 9:00 and 10:30 am on Sunday, September 26 and Sunday, October 31 (the last two Sundays of the month). Weekly services will begin on Sunday, November 28.
(Monday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Emmanuel Studios
1775 Old Highway 8