In addition to Small Churches, we have a number of groups that meet for specific purposes, events and studies; meeting around their affinities.   Below is a list of current affinity groups, retreats and studies.

Find a Small Group

Group Name Is Open? Location Children Meets On
  • Study & Discussion, Care & Support
    No, this group isn't full
    513 Tanglewood Dr.
    Shoreview, MN 55126
      No, children are not allowed
  • Food & Fun
    No, this group isn't full
    513 Tanglewood Dr.
    Shoreview, MN 55126
      No, children are not allowed
  • Food & Fun, For Men
    No, this group isn't full
    509 Tanglewood Dr
    Shoreview, MN 55126
      No, children are not allowed