No Sunday Services or Wednesday programs at the Community Center.

Learn more about our current plans and response to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak here.

“And behold, I am with you always…” -Matthew 28:20

In the very first Chapter of Matthew, Jesus is introduced as Emmanuel (which means, God with us).  In the very last Chapter, Christ promised to be with us until the end of the age.

Even when we’re quarantined, we’re not alone.  We invite you to experience God’s presence, guidance, and provision with us during this challenging season.

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for ECC-mail updates

ECC-mails will continue to be a primary means of communication for the ECC family. Kelsey Crenshaw can get you signed-up.


Some Ways to Respond and Help

Here's a list of practical ways to help during this crisis. more...

During times of crises many of us want to know what we can do to help and demonstrate, in tangible ways, the love and character of Jesus Christ and His church.  We’ve compiled a brief list of ideas.  Be wise and pray diligently as you discern how God would have you be part of bringing health in this season.

  • Sow Love: Sew Masks- Our friends at Arrive Ministries invite us to make masks for Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM).  KOM need 1,000 masks for their staff, clients, and Karen churches in their network.  For more information email
  • Deliver Meals- Be an on-call driver for Meals on Wheels (M-F, 11am-1pm)
  • Share the Stimulus-  Stirred by a common bond of Christ’s sacrificial love, was launched in order to grow a movement of generosity that might spread throughout our communities, churches, nonprofits, and businesses.
  • Provide Food Shelf- Ralph Reeder Foodshelf is operated by our local school district and helps over 900 households in our neighborhood each month gain free food! Consider donating to them here.
  • Help us help others- Do you want to help with needs that come in to the church? Email Bekah Backman with with the subject line: ECC Help Needs
  • Write encouraging cards or have your kids draw pictures to send in the mail to the people who live in an assisted living facility or nursing homes
  • Check on elderly neighbors- Check in with your elderly neighbors or those with compromised immune systems and see if you can pick anything up for them
  • Use Social Media to do good- Be intentional about reaching out to people through phone, text, social media, etc… Simply ask questions like, “How are you?   What do you need today?”  Check out the Next Door social media app to see about needs in your immediate area
  • Care for kids in need- Offer childcare for health professionals or hourly workers who may not be able to afford to stay home with their kids and who may need to work
  • Donate Blood- Blood donations are needed now! Here’s a link to see where and when you can do this.
  • Serve Meals at UGM- Are you a low-risk individual who can help serve meals at Union Gospel Mission (12 and older)?
  • Make Masks and other PPE- do you have access to appropriate materials and equipment to sew needed masks for clinics?
  • Donate Personal Protective Equipment- Do you or your workplace have extra personal protective equipment (new N95 masks, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer (70% alcohol), goggles, disposable gloves, and gowns) you can donate to healthcare providers? Consider donating to Covenant Living who is requesting these items and helps care for senior adults in Golden Valley. Contact Heather Bell if you can help (, 763.732.1504)
  • Donate Books- As you clean house, collect books to donate to Global Academy, a K-8th grade charter school that serves a diverse population in New Brighton
  • Give Generously to Non-Profits- Be faithful with your existing commitments to financially contribute and help others, give generously to non-profits that are helping with the situation

Join Us Sunday Mornings For Online Services

Our Sunday morning messages, worship sets, and those great blessings that Pastor Caitlyn has been praying can all be found on Facebook live or right on our website!

You can find links to most recent services on our home page and you can find archived messages here.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:15 or 10:45 and just hit play!

We’re Not Satisfied With Streaming!

If we simply settle for streaming services once a week, we’re missing the point.  Jesus’ call to follow Him is an invitation that extends beyond Sunday Services.

We encourage everyone to seize this opportunity to deepen our walk with Christ, our relationships with one another, and our commitment to the communities that we’re a part of.

Join one of our Small Church Networks

“Social distancing” was happening long before COVID-19 came up on our nation’s radar.  Our Small Church networks help people connect with others in their area in substantive ways.

A lot is being written about finding “pandemic pals” who look out for one another.  Small Church networks can provide that and so much more!

Contact Pastor Jason to learn more about how a Small Church could help you and your loved ones during this season and in the years to come.


Could You Use Some Extra Prayer Or Support?

If you need prayer, our Prayer Request form is the best way to let us know how we can support and pray for you.


Got Kids? Got Teens?

At Emmanuel, we know and love your family!  If you aren’t already on their email lists, here are the contacts if you have littles (, Middle Schoolers (, or High Schoolers (

Resources to help with stress and anxiety

Some resources that are better than the ones you’ll find on cable, resources to help those who are experiencing elevated STRESS and ANXIETY, and more.

PLAYLISTS featuring songs of hope,

Spotify Playlist


The Bible Project


Share Your Stories!

So many of you are doing so many innovative, God-honoring things!  If you have ideas that you think might help others, please send them to Pastor Jason ( or the staff contact most directly associated with your idea.

For example…. Got a great idea for how we can handle the new “childcare crisis”?  Please pass your thoughts along to Kim Gayner (

Concerned About Our Partners?

From the start, Emmanuel has been committed to looking out for the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable.  If you’re looking for ways to look out for others during this season, we applaud you!

Bekah Backman will continue to keep the lines of communication open and can fill you in with the latest.


We’ll Get Through This Together

We love you, we’re committed to you, and we’re here for you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that we haven’t addressed above, contact Kelsey Crenshaw and she’ll put you in touch with the family member whose best positioned to help.

With hope,
Pastor Chris
