Emmanuel exists to help more people become more like Christ in authentic community. Our mission isn’t a vague ideal. We do our best to help our students grow more like Jesus, and Confirmation is a part of that process!

For more information on Confirmation, Baptism, or ECC TEEN, contact Dan@emmanuel.church.

What Confirmation Is

The word confirmation itself comes from the Latin word confirmare which means to make firm. You won’t find a single confirmation program prescribed in the Bible. Nor can you find a single confirmation tradition that can be traced directly back to the Apostles.  That doesn’t mean Confirmation isn’t Biblical! Jesus welcomed and blessed children and called and equipped teens to do follow Him. Our approach to confirmation reflects His example.

What we believe about Confirmation

At Emmanuel we believe:
• Every believer should be baptized
• Every believer should make a public profession of faith
• Confirmation is a milestone moment that confirms authentic faith
• Confirmation is also a daily decision
• Confirmation should be woven into the fabric of our Youth Ministry (rather than existing as a separate, stand-alone course)

Who gets confirmed at Emmanuel

At Emmanuel we practice confirmation with candidates who:

  • Are in High School
  • Have been baptized or has made a commitment to baptism in the future
  • Are making an INFORMED decision to follow Jesus
  • Demonstrate an authentic faith that is AFFIRMED by their ECC mentors
  • Publicly PROFESS their faith at our Night of Testimonies and on Confirmation Sunday

Hear our 2021 Testimonies

Zoe’s Story

Tiara’s Story

Mia’s Story

Hazel’s Story

Emma’s Story

Ella’s Story